
The introduction of ASUWAKA

The Young Lawyers Association for The Future of Freedom (ASUWAKA: Japanese abbreviated title) is an organization which is composed of young lawyers who are concerned about the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) of Japan's plans to revise the Japanese Constitution.

ASUWAKA was established on January 2013, and has over 340 members as of September 2014.


To protect Constitutionalism and Democracy, ASUWAKA objects to the LDP's plans to revise the Constitution, enact the Designated Secret Protection Law, make de facto constitutional changes through new interpretations of constitution, and so on.

ASUWAKA's main activity is to inform people who are indifferent to politics of these problems, teach them about the Constitution and give them the opportunity to think about these problems and the Constitution.


For this purpose, ASUWAKA provides leaflets, picture-story shows, books and you tube videos.

They explain the importance of the Constitution, the dangerousness of LDP's plans to revise the Constitution, the problem of de facto constitutional changes through interpretation of the Constitution and exercise of right of collective self-defense against peaceful Constitution, and so on.


ASUWAKA also provides Constitution Cafés(Kempo-Cafe).

In Kempo-Cafe, people who haven't actively taken part in politics, non legal professionals, housewives, students, etc. can learn about constitution in a relaxed atmosphere in certain cafés, restaurants, bars, etc.

After Kempo-Cafe, some participants voluntarily plan Kempo-Cafes of their own, and they spread the idea of Constitution by themselves.

ASUWAKA has held Constitution Cafe more than 150 times all over Japan.

In addition to seminars on the Constitution, ASUWAKA has held over 500 informative opportunities.

ASUWAKA will go anywhere (all over Japan, even overseas or United Nations) if someone wants to know about The Japanese Constitution.